Código Ético - www.saba-chile.cl
Code of Ethics
Saba Chile's Code of Ethics and Crime Prevention Model
Saba involves the entire organisation with the best practices of Good Corporate Governance, establishing communication channels with the Mission, Values, Code of Ethics and business and development strategy, in addition to the effort in the interaction with stakeholders.
Saba's Code of Ethics, approved in 2013, aims to ensure our duty to comply with the law and the most positive values of our company. Saba also has a policy for the Prevention of Corruption and relations with the Public Administration and third parties, with the aim of:
- Establish principles of action for employees in their dealings with public authorities and private companies.
- Protect free competition and concurrence in all public tenders to which Saba companies may apply.
- Protect free competition and competition in the procurement and/or delivery of goods and/or services.
- To establish zero tolerance for corruption both in relations with the Administration and in private business relations.
The Code of Ethics and the anti-corruption policy are applicable to all Saba companies, without prejudice to any adjustments that may be made in order to comply with the specific legislation of each of the countries where these companies are located. It is binding for the members of Saba's management bodies, its executives and all its employees.
In addition, the companies that make up the Saba Group in Chile have a Crime Prevention Model, implemented within the framework of the provisions of Law No. 20.393, which regulates the criminal liability of legal persons.
The main purpose of the Crime Prevention Model is to establish an adequate prevention and control system that enables Saba to prevent the commission of conduct that may entail criminal liability for the company, for which purpose it has, among other measures, a Compliance Officer responsible for overseeing the proper implementation and operation of the Crime Prevention System.