Valencia City Hall catches the attention of most passers-by as it incorporates two buildings of very different eras and styles within the same city block.
On the one hand, in this Casa Consistorial, visitors will see the Casa de Enseñanza (in a Neoclassical style) built from 1758 to 1763 and commissioned by Archbishop Andrés Mayoral. This part was originally designed as a school with classrooms and dormitories for the pupils. The other section corresponds to the main body of the building that makes up the main façade, in a Neo-Baroque and Neo-Renaissance style. This part was built in the 1910s and 20s. On 1 March 1962 the Casa Consistorial was officially listed as a Cultural Heritage Site.
The exterior has a whole repertory of Renaissance and Baroque ornamentation and an extensive range of edifying symbolism, such as the Cardinal Virtues and other allegorical depictions. The façade has two distinct sections: firstly, there’s the tall clock and bell tower, and then there are two shorter towers at the corners of the building.
Another outstanding feature are the two marble female nudes that symbolise Art and Letters, created by Mariano Benlliure, who also sculpted the beautiful spandrels over the central arch and the two marble mid-reliefs that symbolise Government and Justice.
Inside, the Casa Consistorial has a beautiful glazed courtyard where several of the municipals offices are located. You’ll also find the chapel of the Casa de la Enseñanza, dedicated to Santa Rosa de Lima and featuring some fine rococo decoration.
If you want to walk around the city centre or need to sort out matters at the City Hall, we recommend that you park your vehicle in our Saba car park just a few metres away from the Casa Consistorial at number 24 Calle Xàtiva.